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Enhancing Overall Well-Being: A Holistic Approach to Healthy Living

Human life opens up a plethora of possibilities to achieve infinite self-development according to the respective individual characteristics. This presupposes the need for a healthy, strong, efficient, well-balanced, ever-active psycho-physical & social system. We are interdependent with our environment hence we must have an existential outlook towards them as well. Hence, well-being is an active pursuit, a scientific endeavour with a concentric mood & a proper sense of observance, adjustment, moderation & temperament. Now, how to make that happen? Let's find out.

Food, Cooking & Choice

One should take only the amount of food that is necessary for him. "Whenever you are hungry, fill your stomach with three quarters of food and one quarter of pure water" (Anushruti, Vol.3:22). Sree Sree Thakur advises taking those proteins which can be assimilated, nurturing, and compatible with the system. He tells, "Take not others’ flesh, as you desire not others to devour your own" (The Message, Vol.VIII:306).

He further explains that a non-vegetarian diet can interrupt and diffuse the thought process. When it was brought to his notice that Americans are quite competent even by taking a non-vegetarian diet, he replied, "My impression is that they would have become much more competent with a vegetarian diet". 'Food should be cooked in a manner that is hygienic and easily digestible'. Sree Sree Thakur tells, "Hot food is good in winter and cold food for summer" (Anushruti, Vol.5:17).

He advises those who pursue study and meditation to take specific items like milk, banana, apple, grape, honey, etc, to the extent they could assimilate them (A. P. Vol.7:3-2-1946). He also suggests taking sour curd with liquid treacle and sour items, preferably old tamarind with salt, towards the last part of the meal (Anushruti, Vol.3:24-25).

Differentiating between egg and meat, he mentions that even though egg contains the ingredients of meat, it is not as harmful as meat. Similarly, milk is different from egg, fish, and meat, despite being from a non-vegetarian source. He also adds, "Food transmits mentality, and hence behaviour becomes according to your diet" (Anushruti, Vol.1:47). He cautions, "Greed for food not only arises during hunger but also arises without it; the greed without hunger invites destruction and is averse to nourishment" (Sambiti:2).

Health & Diet

Health is a state of having 'complete physical, mental, and social well-being.' "Physique is a potent exponent of the magic display of life" and "A disturbed or depressed mind is an indication of the irregular function of physique" (The Message, Vol. VIII 296/ 299). Therefore, our food intake should be commensurate with both body and mind. But hardly people consider this while taking their food.

Sree Sree Thakur advocates a diet that is easily digestible, nutritious, pleasing, hygienic (saatvik), and delicious (Saaswati:21). He says, "Pure and proper diet builds the base of Dharma" (The Message, Vol.VIII:303). He prescribes a balanced vegetarian diet as the best (Anushruti, Vol.5:18). He cautions against taking inebriating food, onions, garlic, or varieties of fish and meat as these unnecessarily excite the body system (Anushruti, Vol.1:64) and decrease longevity.

"Diet should be such that it gives unrestrained nutrition; but if a food brings destruction despite giving nourishment, then it should never be considered as a diet. The balanced diet is one that improves longevity with a normal and balanced go of life. A food prohibited for one person may be nourishing to the other. In such a situation, one should stick to the diet which is good for him. So, in whatever situation one might be, he/she should take only the food that is compatible with his/her health" (Anushruti, Vol.3:20-38).

'We eat to live and not live to eat.' Sree Sree Thakur tells, "Stomach is for life, and life vitalizes the stomach, but the stomach is not life." (The Message, Vol.VIII:303).

Physical Health

A characteristic of sound health is that it is aloof from body-centric consciousness. For example, we are seldom aware of our eyes or teeth when they are healthy but use them daily. This involves the necessity of regular exercise. Collective games and kirtan dancing with devotional songs are very fruitful and generally upheaving for anyone. Regular practice of well-chosen yoga postures is very efficient.

For working out and yoga, it should be kept in mind that specific exercise should be done in specific conditions with proper guidance to avoid undesired outcomes. Other than these, existential practices like horticulture and gardening are very helpful. Connecting with the naked nature is rejuvenating. Systematic military training and self-defense have a special ability to create healthy, enduring youth in the nation.

Many workers with hard physical labour may not need any extra course of physical training elsewhere. Finally, physical exercise should be an enjoyable affair and often efficient. About physical cleanliness, we must be extra careful as well because harmful environments are invisible enemies, but we must also be careful not to turn into a maniac, as it disrupts our psyche.

Mental & Spiritual Health

Internal: Body-mind are interconnected. The mind comprises various complex passions that get provoked by external impulses, giving rise to desires. Unfulfilled desires cause grief, while fulfilled desires are unhealthy, leading to neural debility and loss of motor-sensory co-ordination. Forcible repression by lawful chastisement leads to diseases or distortions. Unsolved complexes are the root source of all internal and external problems.

External: We lack preparedness for every situation, making us vulnerable to mental shocks, opposition, pains, fears, anxieties, panics, disquiet, obsessions, grudges, hatred, indignation, doubts, sorrows, insults, and different kinds of frustration in secular and emotional life.

Exhaustive Solution: Resolution of complexes demands a divine transformation of everything. This comes by developing a concentric disciplined lifestyle around a Living Ideal who embodies the principles of Being & Becoming. Through a unicentric attachment towards Him, our complexes are adjusted, finding meaningful solutions in a way that doesn't conflict with others' interests and resists adversaries auto-initiatively.

Total Adjustment is needed

So, we need to carefully adjust and integrate numerous activities and attractions in a harmonious manner, all geared towards serving the interest and realization of the Ideal. Only then can the different aspects of life complement and support each other, making our mind and body a source of joy, strength, and radiance, resulting in a perfect harmony within ourselves.

In fact, all the aspects of our life, whether material, subtle, or spiritual, are interconnected and interdependent. None of them can thrive in isolation without the support of the others. Therefore, we must cultivate a comprehensive perspective and give equal attention to all these factors simultaneously. It's essential to be mindful of following principles of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being in a coordinated manner to safeguard and enhance our overall physical existence.

Psycho-physical Balance & Repetition of Holy-Name:

The Holy Name refers to a powerful sound symbolizing the fundamental vibration that underlies creation. When we repetitively chant and meditate on the Holy Name with a focused mind, it generates great energy, positive impulses, and warmth within us. This practice is incredibly effective, acting as a supplement to our food and medicine. Engaging in spiritual practices revitalizes our energy, fills us with enthusiasm, and aids in healing by stimulating our vital powers. There are accounts of people being revived from critical conditions through the enlivening vibrations of the Holy Name.

Repeating the Holy Name and meditating also have positive effects on the brain and surrounding areas, improving the secretion of important glands, such as the pituitary and pineal glands. This, in turn, enhances the functioning of other endocrine glands, promoting physical health, intelligence, and psychological well-being.

To find lasting solutions to our issues, we must adopt a transformative approach. This involves embracing a disciplined lifestyle centered around a Living Ideal who embodies principles of growth and evolution. By developing a strong connection with this Ideal, we can harmonize and meaningfully resolve our inner complexities without conflicting with others.

A spiritual lifestyle consists of various practices like Jajan*, Jaajan*, Ishtabhrity*, Swastayani*, and Sadachar*, each of which contributes to personal growth and development. Proper rest, leisure activities, reading enjoyable literature, spending time in nature, laughter, socializing, pursuing hobbies, and engaging in physical and mental work are essential elements of a balanced life.

Work that brings joy is vital to maintaining efficiency and good health. Humor, light-heartedness, and carefree moments are necessary in life, as is cultivating a simple, unburdened, and fearless mindset, shedding the egoistic sense of control and ownership.

standing at the Puri Beach
Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra

Additionally, spending time with the Living Ideal and maintaining a peaceful domestic environment are crucial for overall well-being. To sustain physical and mental efficacy, it's essential to conserve and replenish our energy reserves. Regularly chanting the Holy Name and practicing Shavasana (a completely relaxed body posture) are particularly helpful in conserving and rejuvenating our energy.

By adopting these practices and maintaining a psycho-physical balance, we can experience a more fulfilling and harmonious life.


In conclusion, achieving overall well-being requires a holistic approach that encompasses our physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. To embark on this journey of self-development, follow the teachings of Sree Sree Thakur through Master Within. Stay connected and get inspired by visiting the Official Website: For valuable insights and content, subscribe to our YouTube channels:

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