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The Ultimate Guide for Initiates of Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra in their Spiritual Pursuit

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In this weekly blog, we shall discuss the daily disciplines and instructions that an initiated Satsangee should incorporate into their daily life. These practices are based on the teachings of the great master, Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra, regarded as a great fulfiller of the past prophets in the present age. We encourage you to follow us on Facebook and YouTube for regular updates. Links have been given at the end.


This article is specifically aimed at Satsangees who have undergone initiation by Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra through Him, directly or through any of his genuine Ritwiks. However, even non-initiated enthusiasts can also read this article, as it does not disclose specific methods of meditation and Sadhana that require a more sanctified environment and level of acceptance and regardfulness.

Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra

A look into the inherent imperfections: It's important to note that no human being is perfect, except for the God-incarnate Himself (Purushottam), who bears the ever-unfurling seed of perfection within at will. So, we do not and should not expect initiators known as “Ritwiks” to be perfect, but we do expect them to adhere to the basic criteria set forth by the Master (Sree Sree Thakur).

For those who are initiated, we assume you are familiar with terms like Ishtabhriti and Shavāsana, so we won't provide detailed explanations here. However, feel free to ask any questions in the comment section or directly reach out to us through our website's ‘ask’ section at

By the way, a very important disclaimer is given at the end. Make sure not to miss that. Let's start!

Initiation : The Spiritual Headstart

Our lives are often influenced by our complexes and passions, which should ideally be under our control. To gain mastery over them, we need guidance from someone who has already mastered these aspects. In this case, the best guide is none other than the Purushottam of the present age, who fulfills the teachings of all past prophets.

We are shaped by the object we love, and learning from the Ideal requires love and devotion towards Him. This love and devotion may take time to develop, but we can practice scientific processes daily to concentrate our entire love on the Ideal. These processes are learned from genuine seekers known as “Ritwiks,” and the act of starting this learning journey is called initiation.

After initiation, we must diligently observe these practices daily. This consistent effort will gradually deepen our love for the Ideal, and our character will be influenced by His divine attributes. In summary, we seek to align our lives with the principles of the great Master, Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra, through love, devotion, and regular practice.

The Daily Disciplines

Here are the daily disciplines that an initiated Satsangee should follow to lead a harmonious life:

1. Ishtabhriti (Devout Oblations to the Ideal):

Perform this ritual early in the morning, preferably (very important) before sunrise, to express your devotion and reverence to the Ideal.

2. Naam-Dhyan (Repetition of Holy Name & Meditation):

Engage in the repetition of the Holy Name and meditation as prescribed during the morning and before bedtime. Start with a minimum of 45 minutes to 1 hour, gradually increasing the duration. The key is to be regular in your practice (for instance, five minutes of daily meditation is more efficient than an hour a week in a single go).

3. Practising Shavāsana:

Practice Shavāsana for 7-10 minutes, 3-4 times a day. This relaxation technique will help you find inner calmness and maintain sound health.

4. Taking Thankuni Leaf or Tablet:

Consume 2 fresh Thankuni leaves (Gotu Kola, Centella Asiatica) or tablets on an empty stomach daily. In the absence of Thankuni, Tulasi (Holy basil) leaves can be taken as an alternative.

5. Read Thakur's Literature & Other Good Books:

Read regularly the writings of Thakur and other inspiring books to deepen your spiritual knowledge.

6. Exalt Others through Service and Words: Uplift others by embodying the teachings of the Ideal in your service and interactions with people.

7. Practice Sadachar (Hygienic Principles): Embrace hygienic principles in your physical, mental, and spiritual life. Uni-centric attachment & ananyata (untottering spiritual adherence for Master & none other) are crucial for the success of other principles.

8. Prayer with Ahwāni (invocation):

Perform prayer at least once, following the method prescribed by the Master. It is an essential and significant practice. [Note: Here prayer is associated with the invocations and mantras of our Master, and apart from their appealing and motivating nature they bear a psycho-physical impact on the system of the practitioner. So this must be seen as prescription.]

9. Repeat the Holy Name 24×7 and Fulfill His Wishes:

Continuously repeat the Holy Name mentally, as taught during the time of initiation, throughout your daily activities. Strive to fulfill the wishes of the Ideal through your thoughts, words, and deeds, just as a devoted lover would do. Recognize Thakur as your Closest Family, Friend, Guide, and God.

10. Seek Company of Devout Satsangees:

Spend time with other devoted Satsangees and maintain contact with your Ritwik or an experienced Satsangee who aligns with the teachings of Sree Sree Thakur. Seek guidance, clarify your doubts, learn from them, and serve them with utmost respect and regard while maintaining an honorable distance.

11. Maintain a Vegetarian Diet:

Renounce foods such as meat, fish, eggs, onions, and garlic, as they are not conducive to our health and may also cause hindrances in the path of Sādhana.

By incorporating these daily disciplines into your life, you can strengthen your connection with the Ideal and move closer to living a life in harmony with the teachings of Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra.

For Swastayani Initiates

For Swastayani-initiates, in addition to the previous points, there are more aspects to keep in check:

1. Maintain Your Physique as the Temple of the Lord:

Take care of your physical well-being and keep it in harmony with nature, as you consider your body to be a sacred temple of the Lord.

2. Align Complexes with the Interests of the Lord:

Channel your urges and emotional complexes towards serving the interests of the Lord, seeking to fulfill His divine purpose in your actions and decisions.

3. Act on Your Good Intentions without Delay:

When you recognize something good and beneficial, act upon it promptly, overcoming any obstacles that may come your way.

4. Caring for Your Neighbors' Well-being:

Show genuine interest in the well-being and growth of those around you, and support their prosperity by inspiring them to follow the path of the Lord.

5. Daily Oblations with Devotion and Purity:

Offer daily oblations to the Lord with sincere devotion and purity, to the best of your capability, before taking care of your personal needs.

In future blogs, we will provide a detailed coverage of Swastayani, so stay tuned for more insights and guidance on this aspect of your spiritual journey. By incorporating these additional practices into your life, as a Swastayani-initiate, you can further deepen your connection with the Divine and lead a purposeful and fulfilling life guided by the principles of Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra.

Four Clues to Succeed in the Path

To succeed in the path laid out by Thakur, you must adhere to these four important principles, incorporating them into all aspects of your daily life. By practicing these clues diligently and with keen interest, you can transform them into habits and reform your character, propelling yourself towards fulfillment more efficiently.

1. Enthusiastic Devotion to the Ideal:

Regardless of your personality, or how good or bad is your mind, do speak and act with unwavering enthusiasm and devotion towards your Ideal. Imagine yourself in thought as a devoted follower and immerse yourself. In this process, even if you feel intense passion or zeal for your Ideal, embrace it without hesitation, let it flow free.

2. Sympathetic Attention to Others:

Whether dealing with individuals or groups, pay sympathetic attention to everyone in your environment. Analyze their mindsets, needs, and actions to determine how you can establish your Ideal in their hearts. Adjust your service towards them accordingly, fostering a deeper connection.

3. Act with Full Energy and Continuity:

Do not dwell on your mental state or inner thoughts. Instead, focus on carrying out your actions with a clear conscience and unwavering energy. Do what is needed at any given instant, appertaining to your principle and purpose for the fulfillment of the Ideal. Approach each task with full dedication and continuity, regardless of any doubts or self-criticism.

While incorporating these principles into your daily life, you may encounter two potential challenges: the 'Go-between complex' and the 'Libidoic distortion.' Do not be afraid of these challenges but be vigilant in recognizing and addressing them. By keeping them in check, success will lead you to fulfillment and gratification.

In future blogs, detailed discussions on 'libidoic distortion' and the 'Go-between complex' will be provided, offering deeper insights into these challenges and how to overcome them. By practicing these principles and staying aware of potential obstacles, you can progress steadily on the path prescribed by Thakur and experience profound spiritual growth.

The Self-analysis Questionnaire

The self-analysis questionnaire prescribed by the Master can be a valuable tool for assessing your progress on the spiritual path and identifying areas of improvement. Here are the questions you can ask yourself:

1. What have I done till now?

Reflect on your actions, practices, and efforts on the spiritual path. Acknowledge your accomplishments and areas of growth.

2. What have I not done yet?

Recognize any tasks or practices that you have not yet undertaken or completed.

3. What do I have to do?

Identify the specific actions and practices that you need to engage in to further your spiritual journey.

4. What did my Thakur ask me to do?

Recall the teachings and guidance provided by Thakur and align your actions with His instructions.

5. How will I do those activities?

Plan and strategize the implementation of the practices and teachings in your daily life.

6. To whom shall I reach out?

Consider seeking guidance or support from experienced Satsangees or your Ritwik to clarify doubts and receive assistance on your journey.

7. Which complexes are coming in my way?

Examine any emotional or mental complexes that may hinder your progress or create obstacles.

8. How to overcome those complexes?

Devise strategies to overcome these complexes, which may include self-awareness, introspection, and seeking guidance from Ritwiks, Parents or Experienced Satsangees. [At the end of the day, with maturity we should learn to filter every comment through the strainer of the Master's Ideology]

By honestly answering these questions and using them as a tool for self-reflection, you can gain valuable insights into your spiritual journey, identify areas for improvement, and stay focused on the path set forth by Thakur. Regular self-analysis and introspection will help you grow and make progress on your spiritual path with greater clarity and purpose.

A very important disclaimer that should be kept in mind:

It is essential to remember that the following is a concise representation of the Satsang Way of Life. When we use the term "Satsang," we are not referring to any specific organization. Instead, it refers to the company of individuals who are lovers of existence, and each person in such a group is called a “Satsangee.” Essentially, everyone is a Satsangee, although some are consciously initiated into the process, while others are not. Nevertheless, all individuals should strive for all-round development in their personal lives and their environment.

I want to emphasize the significance of initiation as a profoundly psycho-physical process that should be undertaken following the instructions of the Prophet. Any tampering with these instructions can lead to undesired consequences or even harm. Therefore, one should exercise caution in their own discernment when it comes to initiation, both for themselves and their loved ones.

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Stay connected with us and explore the path of love, devotion, and regular practice to enhance your spiritual journey with the teachings of Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra. We look forward to having you as part of our community!


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